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how do we deal with the holidays AGAIN

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

PostPosted:     Post subject: how do we deal with the holidays AGAIN
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oh I know that there are alot of you that just love the holidays but I must be honest here when I say that I'm kinda in the middle.I love that the small ones get to do fun things and see bright lights and hear wonderful music.I love seeing the younger folks frolicking about skating,skiing,dancing,holding hands and making goo-goo eyes at someone across the room from them.It is so adorable. I notice the older couples holding hands,looking into each others souls and you can tell they are remembering and they are communicating and I love watching them speak to each other without saying a word.I know that the holidays can be wonderful but they can also be so very trying and can exhaust your emotions.I believe with the decline of our economy that more and more folks are feeling pre-blue just thinking about scam toys for the kids or how to make thanksgiving and halloween memorable for them.I know that alot of folks are having to ask for help and they are finding it hard to deal with especially when they have been the one doing all the providing.I see more families breaking up because of the financial struggle especially now and I believe they would rather be away from their kids then to see the disappointment in their eyes.Then I know about the ones that have suffered abuse at the hands of the ones closest to them and how that dealing with the holidays is extremely hard for them.Then there are those that suffer loneliness and it can be debilatating especially now with the holidays coming up.So what can we do?IMO I would urge you guys and gals to go to someone you know and let them know your there if they need you.Just sit with someone for a little bit and just talk with them.You will see that it helps you to. Also for those not swamped Please reach out to our elderly because the one you reach may be the one that was waiting for someone to come and get them and the plans fell through.It may be their first year away from those they know.They may be terminally ill and your smile will make the passing a little easier.I saw this ad about a woman who had cancer and one dr. told her she was going to die and yet another told her there was no expiration date on her foot.She said hope is not just a thing it's the main thing.Don't let your hope leave.I am praying for you all and if you choose to pray for me then please know that I thank you so very much.

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